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A division of ComCity® LLC         LANGUAGES
A division of ComCity® LLC         LANGUAGES
Vol. 2, Number 3 SalesCart Newsletter - January 09, 2015
IN THIS ISSUE SalesCart™ Newsletter!

Good News for Accounting and Data Management Blues

On the consumer side, it’s all about convenience and security. On the merchant side, it’s all about efficiency and cost savings. Now both consumers and merchants can have more of each with the new QuickBooks Accounting and WorldPay payment processing integrations for SalesCart.


The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own E-commerce site. To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.
SalesCart News

SalesCart Integrates directly with QuickBooks

Now, with the click of a button, you can EASILY and EFFICIENTLY create QuickBooks compatible .IFF files from the SalesCart Order Management Plugin.

So, your wondering, how much is ComCity selling this feature, when other shopping cart vendors are charging hundreds of dollars for it?  Why nothing of course...its absolutely FREE to existing owners of the Order Management Plugin or just $60 to purchase.

Its just one more feature in the ever increasing list of features available for the most extensive shopping cart back-office suite available.

SalesCart's QuickBook integration allows you to quickly and easily export customer information and sales data from your online store into the QuickBooks accounting software.  This feature is free to existing Order Management plugin users1.  However, SalesCart doesn't just start and stop with QuickBooks, we provide extensive standard (ASCII) text export capabilities to other data management tools like Peachtree, ACT, ICVerify/PCCharge and Access accounting database application to name just a few. 

Date Exporting Advantages:

  • Significantly reduces data entry, saving you time and minimizing the potential for errors.
  • Keeps track of repeat customers.
  • Creates customer mailing lists.
  • Easily tracks best-selling products and slow-moving products.
  • Keeps track of inventory.

Kinds of QuickBooks data that can be Exported:

  1. Order details – items, discounts, shipping charges and sales tax, order number, invoice
  2. Customer information – customer email, bill to address, ship to address
  3. Items – list of all items on the merchant’s list
  4. Payment – what form of payment the customer used, amount of payment

Order Management Plugin Price: $60

More details on the QuickBooks Integration can be found here

1 Existing clients with the Order Management plugin may download the latest version of the plugin with the QuickBooks integration by visiting the SalesCart userroom.

WorldPay Plugin for SalesCart PRO

WorldPay gives international merchants real-time online processing capabilities.
SalesCart PRO-enabled web sites can now use WorldPay as the online payment processor. With WorldPay, shoppers experience fast and seamless transactions completed within an environment of assured security.


  • A WorldPay account can be set up in only 2 business days.
  • WorldPay uses state-of-the-art security tools and techniques to protect the merchant and customers.
  • WorldPay provides uninterrupted service 24/7.
  • The shopper’s transaction details are encrypted before leaving the shopper’s browser to ensure the security of the transaction.
  • WorldPay can send confirmation of orders in whichever format the merchant requires.
  • WorldPay is able to handle multiple transactions simultaneously.
  • The multi-currency option enables the shopper to convert the
    merchant’s operating currency to any of 20 standard currencies.
  • The WorldPay plugin runs exclusively on the server and requires ASP support and installation of SalesCart PRO. It also requires the activation of a WorldPay account.

The WorldPay plugin runs exclusively on the server and requires ASP support and installation of SalesCart PRO. It also requires the activation of a WorldPay account.

plugin price (not including any WorldPay merchant fees): $60

Click here to purchase the WorldPay Plugin

Merchant Accounts: An E-commerce Essential

To successfully conduct any kind of e-trade, a seller must set up a merchant account to accept credit card transactions from customers.

SalesCart can now assist you in establishing and integrate your merchant account. Moreover, our SalesCart Design Tool E-commerce Software makes on-line real-time payment verification a seamless snap if you choose that route. And SalesCart works whether you choose to get a merchant account and accept on-line payments, process payments via a terminal, or even if you choose to hand-process transactions.

Click here to learn more.

E-Commerce Articles

Demise of Mall.com Spotlights Online Ad Risks
You'd think that an e-commerce site with the name Mall.com could succeed, but apparently not. The eponymous company has taken down its website and disappeared into the virtual dust, apparently taking the ad budgets of a number of smaller online companies with it.

Austin, Texas-based Mall.com Inc., which had aimed to be a one-stop shopping and entertainment destination and once signed an ad deal with Young & Rubicam, had featured shopping by "floors" in a virtual mall that included everything from appliances to wine and spirits.

The company's phone lines have been disconnected.

Never a big e-commerce player despite its bold name, Mall.com reportedly shut down on or about Sept. 20, laying off about 40 employees and leaving a number of advertisers, including a lot of small businesses, absent their fourth-quarter advertising funds.

Source: Internetnews.com
Publication Date: 10/15/02
Title: Demise of Mall.com Spoltlights Online Ad Risks

A Rosy Outlook for Holiday E-Commerce
The economy may be hurting, but e-commerce is booming, according to Los Angeles-based research firm BizRate.com. On the heels of a healthy third quarter for U.S. e-commerce, which according to BizRate.com's statistics clocked in $10 billion in online retail sales (a 37 percent jump over last year's numbers), expectations are high for the approaching holiday shopping season.

Source: Internetnews.com
Publication Date: 10/03/02
Title: A Rosy Outlooks for Holiday E-Commerce

  Hot Site


Shop PC Now for your computer peripherals. With a vast variety of product categories you can find almost everything you need in one simple web location. PC Now is integrated with SalesCart PRO and a custom product catalog for a smoother shopping experience. In addition, the SalesCart LinkWise checkout system has been modified to look and feel the same way as the remainder of the website. We like this website because it is well structured and it is easy to navigate. The website utilizes SalesCart PRO to ease the online shopping experience for both novice and advanced users alike.

Software Cost :
SalesCart PRO for Microsoft FrontPage $399.99
Total: $399.99

For previous winners go to http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /topsites/welcome.htm

  Tips and Tricks
    Title: Additional Checkout Pages
    Design Tool: FrontPage, Dreamweaver
    Version: PRO
    SalesCart Knowledge Level (Scale 1-10): 7
    Want to learn how you can have intervening or additional checkout pages? We've created an article that will walk you through an example. You may find this article in the SalesCart support KnowledgeBase. Click here to learn more about the article!
  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time.  We look forward to your continued participation next year.  Until then. 

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Copyright © 1995-2011 SalesCart™. All Rights Reserved. Design And Hosted By ComCity® LLC.

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Copyright © 1995-2011 SalesCart™. All Rights Reserved. Design And Hosted By ComCity® LLC.

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