Vol. 2, Number 1 SalesCart Newsletter - July 18, 2014
IN THIS ISSUE SalesCart™ Newsletter!

Repeat Business Paves the Way to E-commerce Success

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the perfect way to build up your E-Business during slow economic times. By nurturing your customers, responding to their inquiries, letting them know of new merchandise, keeping them abreast of order fulfillment and personalizing the relationship, it will keep them coming back and ordering more merchandise. Your on-line store needs to have the same persona, quality of service and customer care that the corner brick and mortar store offers.

A study by Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that one-third of users who purchased gifts online during the 2000 holidays didn’t purchase online in 2001. These users often cite bad experiences as the reason for not repeating their online purchases.

The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own E-commerce site.  To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.
SalesCart News

SalesCart PRO features LivePerson

Are you really meeting the needs of your customers? What is a benefit of a brick and mortar store? Talking with a sales expert that can direct you to the right Product that meets your needs. SalesCart PRO has partnered with LivePerson to offer a chat room so you can talk to your customers in real-time all online.

When a shopper visits your Web site, LivePerson will immediately notify you that a visitor is at your "front door". You can then see them in real-time moving around your Web site and with the new CartViewer feature, you can see which Products they search, which items they add in their shopping cart and how they Progress through the check out Process.

You can use this great insight to Proactively greet them and to offer them Live Help. You can Provide your customers with personalized assistance for recommend items, up sell and cross sell. This is a powerful way to increase your online sales.

Customers in need of assistance can also reach you by clicking the “Live Help” button on your Web site. You can easily communicate in real-time with multiple visitors privately and simultaneously, which alleviates customer frustration and reduces costs.

Through this partnership, ComCity’s customers get preferential pricing on LivePerson PRO with up to a 30% discount.

Click here. to receive a free trial of LivePerson PRO and more information.

Order Management plug-in now released

Are you communicating with your client after the sale? This browser based plug-in is an exceptional mechanism to maintain relations with your clients after the initial sale, thus integrating CRM into your business practice.

Use the Order Management plug-in to send customers their shipping tracking numbers or a personal note about the item they purchased through the order fulfillment feature. A built in control panel allows the merchant to easily log into an on-line control panel to view and manage order fulfillment. Customers can also log in to see an order status.

Customers welcome emails that are personalized and pertain to their likes. With the Promotional email feature, you can compile lists of your customer emails and send notes about new Products, related Products, special pricing, company news, etc…This feature will help you retain on-going business from your current client base.

Never lose a sale! Through the Order Management plug-in, you can retrieve contact information on potential clients that may have abandoned your shopping cart. By contacting these people, you can not only potentially get a sale, but also find important data on why they didn’t place an order, therefore, improving your ordering Process or Product navigation.

Additional features include: affiliate tracking, sales reporting, inter-operability with your back office accounting or inventory systems, configuration of SalesCart, editing of existing orders, advanced order retrieval, drop ship notification, packing slips and labels.

Retail Price: $60

Press Release: http://www.salescart.com/pressrelease/article_OrderManager.htm
Demo site: http://www.salescart.com/../scorderdemo/online/default.asp

SalesCart PRO New On-Line Demo

Do you want the shopping cart with the most features and flexibility? SalesCart PRO offers the most E-commerce features for your dollar. PRO offers features like: coupons, a discount wizard, a shipping service plug-in, an auction, affiliate tracking, Product option price changes, drop down menus for Product options, email-a-friend, wish lists and much, much more. SalesCart PRO now has an on-line demo where you can test and see the different features in action without downloading a single thing. See for yourself why SalesCart is a leader in FrontPage E-commerce.

Retail Price: $399.99
Demo site: http://demo.salescart.com/

Beta sites for SalesCart UltraDev/Dreamweaver

We need your SalesCart expertise. ComCity is currently entertaining applications for beta-testers for its newest Product, SalesCart PRO for Macromedia. This upcoming release is a Macromedia extension of SalesCart PRO that will support Macromedia UltraDev 4, Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 and the upcoming release of Macromedia MX.

We expect this to be a very short closed beta that we anticipate lasting less than 1 month. The majority of foundation of the underlying code is based on SalesCart PRO for FrontPage. We are looking for beta testers that already have SalesCart PRO on FrontPage but also use Macromedia Web design or developmental tools. If you are interested in applying, you may do so at


E-Commerce Articles

Web Sites Still Fail To Recognize the Importance Of User Satisfaction

“While companies recognize that user satisfaction is vital to encourage repeat visits to their web sites, new research from Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Interactive Solutions shows that it is also a key factor in attracting new visitors to the site. “
“The International study, carried out across 14 countries, shows that word of mouth is far more important than search engines or links for attracting regular users. Nearly twice as many regular users of a web site say that they first found the site through friends or relatives, than through search engines…”

Source: eNewsflash
Author: Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS)

Important Success Factors Implementing e.Customer Service?

“According to Greg Gianforte, CEO of RightNow Tehnologies, in the article 'What are the most Important success factors implementing e.Customer Service?,' three things are critical for successful eService implementation: high self-service rates, easy escalation to a human and learn from every escalation….”

Source: CRMIndustry.com
Author: Greg Gianforte, CEO of RightNow Technologies

  Hot Site


Ready to Protect your vehicle investment? Do it by installing a brand new alarm system sold by Direct Wholesale! With a full line of  "do-it-yourself" or  "PRO series" alarms you can choose the right alarm for your vehicle. Direct Wholesale advanced their SalesCart standard website by adding the Product management plug-in making it a dynamic E-commerce model thus allowing the website visitors to do searches based on different ranges. The Product management plug-in allows Direct Wholesale to keep track of their inventory and to cut down on the time spent managing their web pages.

Software Cost :
SalesCart Standard $249.99
Product Management Plug-in $60.00
Total: $209.99

For previous winners go to http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /topsites/welcome.htm

  Tips and Tricks
    Modifying the customer email receipt

By default SalesCart will display the customer credit card number along with its expiration date on the merchant and the customer email receipts. Because this information is stored in the database most merchant prefer that it does not show on the email receipts. If you would like to remove the credit card information from the email receipt follow the Procedures below.

* Open your SalesCart web with FrontPage and go to your "cgi-bin".
* Locate "sendemail.asp" and go to the HTML view in FrontPage.
* Now locate the following line:
  themessage = Replace (themessage,"<BillTo>",thepayment)
* To hide this information just add a single quote ' to the beginning of this line. The single quote will comment the line out so the script will skip this step.
* The Procedures above will only cover the customer receipt. You will need to follow the same Procedures with the file "merc-conf.asp". merc-conf.asp is the file that sends the email receipt to the merchant. The sendemail.asp file will send the receipt to the customer.

Once you have modified the email pages place a test order. Check to see if the billing information has been removed from the email receipt.

  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time.  We look forward to your continued participation next year.  Until then. 

This document is Copyright-© 2001 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart-PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart-SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and Products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed.

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