Vol. 1, Number 1 E-Commerce Newsletter - May 31, 2001
IN THIS ISSUE FrontPage E-commerce Newsletter!

SalesCart-X: Unix-Based FrontPage E-commerce

Online Auctions and 54 other New Features

Last Chance to Save over $100

Internet E-commerce still growing!

Is this the perfect time to create an E-commerce business?

Ecommerce HotSite

Tips and Tricks

As the technology and price leaders for FrontPage E-commerce, we have designed this newsletter to keep you informed about the constantly evolving changes in our field. 


To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.
SalesCart News
  SalesCart-X™:  Unix-Based FrontPage E-commerce

SalesCart-X, the first truly 100% configurable Unix/Linux based shopping cart for FrontPage.  For quite some time, the largest limitation in FrontPage E-commerce has been that only NT-based hosting providers could host Active Server Page-based (ASP) shopping cart software.  The only alternative available to Web site owners hosting on Unix were service based shopping carts or accepting the limitations of close-ended carts.  

Service-based shopping carts force designers to separate their E-commerce hosting from the rest of their hosting and leave them at the mercy of yet another provider.  The result is little or no control over the checkout phase of the shopping cart or the credit card processing service, limited ability to change the rest of the shopping cart look and feel.  Even when changes are permitted they are limited to slow and tedious ones via a browser.  

Why is Unix the majority platform for FrontPage hosting?  Eighty percent (80%) of all FrontPage hosted Web sites are hosted on a Unix server and all major ISP's and web hosting firms use UNIX as the preferred platform for Web hosting.  The largest Web hosting firm -- Verio, at one point, was exclusively Unix.  From an Internet Service Providers stand point, Unix hosting is less expensive and often more reliable.  SalesCart-X uses PHP and mySQL which is supported on the largest majority of Unix Providers.  This gives SalesCart-X owners the benefits of a mission-critical enterprise level database -- mySQL at a fraction of the cost of Microsoft SQL.  Unix and mySQL can also be more scaleable than NT.  The overall Unix platform has long been known for its mission-critical characteristics, symmetrical and asymmetrical multi-processing and multi-machine environments.

SalesCart-X brings the benefits of stand-alone FrontPage E-commerce to those they want to use the power of a UNIX-based server.  

For more information about SalesCart-X, see http://www.salescart.com/X/salescart_x.htm 

PRO 3.0 is just Around the Corner

More features than virtually any other shopping cart on the market today including those shopping carts that are not even compatible with FrontPage .  In fact, SalesCart PRO 3.0 contains over 54 new features over SalesCart PRO 1.5.  Features like price auctioning, unlimited product options with price adjustment, customer return partial or full reordering, email-a-friend, real-time currency calculations, over 7 new types of shipping calculation methods (incl. single click Free Shipping), 3-tier taxing which includes luxury taxation, and so many more features, its literally impossible to list them.  All these features are included FREE with the base software and gives SalesCart PRO the highest price/value point in existence for FrontPage shopping carts.

Buy SalesCart-PRO 1.5 now and upgrade later for Free - save over $100!
For the next 30 days, get SalesCart-PRO 3.0 for Free by buying SalesCart-PRO 1.5 now at the special price of just $279.99.  The regular price for SalesCart PRO is $399.99 and the price is expected to return to that point once PRO 3.0 is released.  

For more information about SalesCart-PRO 3.0, see http://www.salescart.com/pressrelease/press050901.htm 

Internet Ecommerce still Growing!

Internet E-commerce is still expected to grow at a resounding 43% growth for 2001 despite the expected doom and gloom of what all but seems certain at this point -- the recession of 2001.

To read the rest of this article, see http://ecommerce.internet.com/opinions/article/0,1467,3551_758161,00.html 

Is this the perfect time to start an E-commerce business?

MSNBC asked the experts.  We say, "Don't wait until the Internet explodes again with over-enthusiasm, and likewise, "competitors".  If you have a great idea and a great product, start now and build momentum into an expanding market with positive economic change instead of visa versa after the economy has once again overwhelmed itself.

To read the rest of this article, see http://www.msnbc.com/news/574751.asp .


    This editions SalesCart HotSite is AmeriLab Inc.

It shows how SalesCart can be used for literally anything.

In this case, selling Drug and Alcohol Test kits over the Internet.  AmeriLab uses SalesCart with a FrontPage dynamic Database to keep a dynamic catalog which they control on their server to sell pre-employment screening tests.

See the site at http://www.salescart.com/archive1.htm or enroll your site.


  Tips and Tricks
    Did you know that SalesCart is compatible with the FrontPage Database Region Wizard?  This compatibility is one of the most unique features of SalesCart compared to other carts.  Using the FrontPage Database Region Wizard, you can display a web page from a database catalog and make it look literally anyway you want.  In FrontPage, click on Insert>>Database>>Results.  Follow the wizard all the way through to display your products catalog dynamically.  Next, insert a new column into the database results table and insert a single SalesCart product link.  Instead of entering a static number for a price, pull the prices and description from the database by entering the following syntax for each database column you want to dynamic enter into the product link:

Where ProdID is the name of the database column

Now customize your catalog page with FrontPage to look anyway you want.


  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time..

This document is Copyright-© 2001 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart-PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart-SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed.

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