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(for Unix hosting)
  • First and only Microsoft® FrontPage® based solution with 100% customizability on UNIX.
  • No programming required.
  • Comes bundled with Real-time Processing
  • Comes complete with the On-line Order Management Plug-in.
  • Runs on largest majority of FrontPage ISP's that are Unix based.




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For RedHat Linux/Unix based hosting

SalesCart-X is the first and only E-commerce shopping cart plug-in built into FrontPage to allow total customizability of the checkout web pages on a Unix Server.

With SalesCart-X.  You create web site on your local computer at http://localhost (if you have a personal web server installed) or c:\mywhatever. Edit your pages on your own Windows computer without slow network connection to deal with. Test your web pages on the Windows box and then publish your web site to the server for final deployment.

Before SalesCart-X, other FrontPage based shopping carts compatible with Unix did so only as a 3rd party shopping cart service or as a proprietary compiled program.  With the introduction of SalesCart-X, now any Web hosting provider, Unix or Microsoft® Windows® NT- based, can provide "stand-alone" shopping cart capabilities to their FrontPage customers with a "real" software solution as opposed to a much-less customizable shopping cart "service" or close-ended program.  SalesCart-X is the first such FrontPage shopping cart running on Unix to allow anyone to customize the entire look and feel of every single page of their shopping cart and to do so extensively via a very easy scripting language and extend the basic out-of-the box working shopping cart to their particular corporate or personal needs.

The majority of Internet Service Providers and Web Presence Providers (ISP’s/WPP’s) host FrontPage-based Web Sites on Unix servers which are not compatible with the majority of FrontPage shopping cart software packages that are based on Active Server Pages.  Until the release of SalesCart-X,  FrontPage customers hosting their Web sites on Unix-based systems and who desire to add E-commerce to their Web site, had to either purchase a shopping cart service or they had to switch to a different provider.  Both of these solutions were poor alternatives.  SalesCart-X provides 100% cross platform compatibility to host "anywhere", including on any Unix ISP, and have the same 100% front-end customizability as shopping carts running on Windows  NT or Windows 2000. 

Other comparable Service-based shopping carts run on 3rd party servers that may or may-not be compatible with Unix.  Third party shopping cart services must run on a different server from the server that your Web site runs on.  Unlike SalesCart-X, this requires you to pay for Web Hosting twice - once for the Web site and a second time for the back-end shopping cart service.  In addition, this process is rarely scaleable since the back-end is mostly or totally outside of the control of the merchant and web designer.  As the company grows to a point where they want more control over the look-and-feel of the checkout system or need additional processing power, they are essentially stuck at the second shopping cart service provider.  Since rarely does the shopping cart service allow people to export any of their current shopping cart design, moving their shopping cart typically will require a complete "re-design" of their Web site.

“With an installed base of more than 5 million, we know that FrontPage users want to be able to choose from a wide variety of Web site hosting companies to host their e-commerce site,” said Nancy Buchanan, Microsoft Lead Product Manager for FrontPage.  We’re pleased that ComCity is helping to give FrontPage users more options for selling products on the sites they create with FrontPage with its new SalesCart-X.We’re pleased that ComCity is helping to give FrontPage users more options for selling products on the sites they create with FrontPage with its new SalesCart-X. We’re pleased that ComCity is helping to give FrontPage users more options for selling products on the sites they create with FrontPage with its new SalesCart-X.



Copyright © 1995-2011 SalesCart™. All Rights Reserved. Design And Hosted By ComCity® LLC.

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