CheckOut System

STD maintains the LinkWise™ CheckOut system first
introduced with SalesCart 1.0. The LinkWise CheckOut
system divides the checkout process into logical steps and
gives SalesCart incredible customization power.
Unlike most
checkout systems, which involve only a single step, the
LinkWise CheckOut system is more easily customizable to
calculate sales tax and shipping costs on the fly. It can
also be changed to remove checkout steps. For example, if
you sell services instead of tangible products, or want to
deliver products directly on the Internet, the web site
designer can easily remove the calculation of shipping
charges, often without the use of a programmer. Or you may
wish to produce a shopping cart system to distribute
brochures, literature or other forms of data which may be
free. Using LinkWise, it is easy to remove the entire
payment step from the checkout phase. The LinkWise
CheckOut system makes SalesCart STD one of the most easily
customizable shopping cart systems available. Other
shopping cart systems providing this level of
customizability require the services of a programmer or a
highly skilled scripter to make similar modifications.