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Step 2 - Decide on a method to process your credit cards

After obtaining a merchant account, next you must decide on a method to process your credit cards.  It use to be credit cards were put into a manual mechanical card impression machine and an imprint was made directly onto a form.   Those days are for the most part gone.  There are generally 3 accepted ways to process credit cards.

  Advantages Disadvantages
Card Terminal
  • Increased merchant transaction security because direct card imprint is available.   Protects the merchant from fraud
  • Easiest to use
  • Hardware investment
  • Not mobile
  • Expensive
  • Slow processing
On-line Internet Processor
  • No Hardware investment
  • Mobile and accessible anywhere
  • Inexpensive for large number of charges
  • Real-time processing
  • Can be more difficult to implement (but not with SalesCart)
  • Can be more expensive if you are doing only a small number of charges
PC software
  • Semi Real-time processing
  • The least expensive solution
  • Relatively easy
  • Requires Software investment
  • Requires a PC
  • Semi Real-time processing

A card terminal is a piece of computer hardware about the size of a phone that the merchant swipes the card through.  The terminal has a card reader that reads the card number.  The merchant types in the amount and the process is transacted typically over phone lines.

An on-line Internet processor uses the Internet to process your credit cards.  Either the card is typed in directly or feed into the system from a shopping cart system.  The process takes the information, verifies it and processes the credit card using the Internet as opposed to using a phone line and the modem.  The on-line Internet process is an outgrowth of using PC software.

PC software are programs that run on your PC where the credit card is typed in with your PC keyboard.  The software calls up the processor using a phone and verifies the transaction using the phone.

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