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Package II:  Shipping and Tax Configuration , Shipping Plugin Installation or Order Management Plugin Installation.
This package is perfect for SalesCart license holders that have completed their
SalesCart website, but need extra help with setting up the shipping and taxation
options. After all, in most cases, you only need to setup the shipping and taxation
once so you may not be interested in learning this task. Or, maybe you have a
more complex shipping and taxation scenario you need help with. We look at
how you do it and we do it for you so you can concentrate on running your business!
What we provide
  SalesCart service engineers will configure shipping and taxation of
your SalesCart shopping cart website (up to 10 tier fixed tiers or 1 real-time carrier)

Using the provided Excel spreadsheet, the SalesCart engineers with configure
the shipping and tax options within the customer's existing site.

-or- Alternatively, choose this option to have us install the Real-time Shipping Plugin or the Order Management Plugin instead and let you more easily configure Shipping and Taxation on your own.

What you need to do
  Valid license
You must have a valid SalesCart license.
  Provide SalesCart engineers with configure data for 10 tier shipping and 1 tier taxation
The client will configure their shipping and taxation options in an Excel spreadsheet.
This will be sent electronically to the SalesCart engineer.
  Create a basic skeleton and final design of the shopping cart and
get the shopping cart running

The client is responsible for having SalesCart completely installed and running
prior to purchasing this package.


Limited to 10 total shipping ranges, options and destinations.


Limited to 3 tier taxation and does not cover product taxation tier. 
Taxing is limited to 3 total taxation entries.


Configurations that require more than 30 minutes due to complex communication
or troubleshooting issues may be subject to additional charges including setups
where the spreadsheet is not returned electronically or is not properly completed.
Price: $129.99



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