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SalesCart SQL Revision 5 released on both Dreamweaver and FrontPage

Dublin, CA, June 5, 2003 -- ComCity®, a leading Internet Presence Provider (IPP) that provides cost efficient Internet solutions for small companies to multi-national large corporations, today announced the release of version 5 of SalesCart SQL for both Dreamweaver and FrontPage web designers and developers.  The new release lowers the average price point for a complete Enterprise-level ecommerce software suite to less than $800.  The developers, ComCity, release the product with every plugin, tool and feature set they offer.  The product ships with over 60 new features, browser based remote order management, market-demand or fixed pricing modes, service or product based models, customer control panel, affiliate control panel, advanced sales reporting tools, advanced marketing tools, browser-based remote product management, transaction processing gateway support , and realtime shipping with all major shipping carriers.  Its very typical to find that sort of ecommerce shopping cart software package with such a complete feature set to be priced over $1000. 

ComCity’s complete line of SalesCart, SalesCart-X and SalesCart PRO products offers Design-tool E-commerce™ solutions for both FrontPage and Dreamweaver, as well as Windows NT and Linux on both platforms, using ASP and PHP. For more product information, visit www.salescart.com/product.htm.

About ComCity
ComCity, founded in 1995, was one of the first 25 registered Microsoft FrontPage Web Presence Providers. Two years later, the company launched the new product category of Design-tool E-commerce™ software with SalesCart, the first E-commerce shopping cart built directly into FrontPage. ComCity now provides a full line of SalesCart products for FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver on both the NT and the Linux operating system through its SalesCart subsidiary. For more information, visit www.salescart.com or www.comcity.com, email Contact us here, or call 925-556-6940.

ComCity® Corporation is a registered trademark. SalesCart, SalesCart-X, SalesCart SQL and SalesCart PRO are trademarks of ComCity. All other product or company names are trademarks of their respective companies.

For more information, please contact:
Suzanne Palmini
(925) 556-6940




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