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Microsoft .NET Goes E-commerce

SAN FRANCISCO, California (August 3, 2004).  ComCity, creators of the popular E-commerce solution SalesCart, announced today a new product line supporting Microsoft’s .NET framework. With the introduction of SalesCart .NET, ComCity offers more scripting compatibility with more Application Server e-commerce development scripting environments than any other competing product on the Market Today.

Ecommerce developers need choices and they demand flexibility. No other ecommerce shopping cart product choice can offer ASP scripting, PHP scripting as well as ASP.NET scripting as multiple deployment choices from a single shopping cart vendor, said Michael Barber, ComCity CEO.

With the support for Microsoft .NET, customers can now purchase a cutting edge shopping cart solution that grows with their business. They can start using HTML static pages, grow to an Access database then upsize that to SQL. They can start with manual transactions then grow that to online real-time transactions. They can turn features on and off depending upon their business. 

In addition, Microsoft’s .NET framework offers SalesCart a more secure hosting environment and a more reliable application server environment.

ComCity now supports the largest array of hosting platforms and design tool programs: Linux, Windows, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, ASP, PHP and now .NET. SalesCart offers a solution for every possible ecommerce scenario.

About ComCity
ComCity, founded in 1995, was one of the first 25 registered Microsoft FrontPage Web Presence Providers. Two years later, the company launched the new product category of design-tool e-commerce software with SalesCart, the first E-commerce shopping cart built directly into FrontPage. ComCity now provides a full line of SalesCart products for FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver on more scripting platforms than any other company, both on the NT and the Linux operating system through its SalesCart subsidiary. For more information, visit www.salescart.com or www.comcity.com, email Contact us here, or call 925-556-6940.

ComCity® Corporation is a registered trademark. SalesCart, SalesCart-X, SalesCart SQL and SalesCart PRO, and SalesCart NET are trademarks of ComCity. All other product or company names are trademarks of their respective companies. 

For more information, please contact:
Michael Barber
(925) 556-6940
Contact us here




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