SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (May 16,
2000) ComCity released today a new software plug-in for SalesCart which was the first E-commerce solution built into the web development tool Microsoft ® FrontPage ®. Instead of retrieving pertinent order information via a Microsoft Access database, the merchant can now access and manage all aspects of their E-commerce system securely over the web via a real-time On-line Order Management System which will significantly ease order accessibility. The new On-Line Order Retrieval System has 7 new advanced features that will help the merchant bypass using Microsoft Access for order retrieval and management thereby significantly simplifying the E-commerce process of order fulfillment.
The new On-Line Order Retrieval System has a built in control panel that allows the merchant to assign unlimited user names and passwords for merchants, create shipping and tax options, retrieve invoices, and delete orders. It grants the merchant the ability of obtaining order information by selecting a range of orders, a single date or a single order.
The merchant can print invoices as well as labels through the control panel and all via the web interface. If the label requires a certain width or height, the merchant would simply add their specifications into the proper fields. This feature, along with the ability to print out a range of orders, permits the merchant to do order fulfillment all online and without other software requirements.
E-Commerce Plug-in Allows Complete Order Maintenance and Retrieval via Web
Accessing and maintaining orders has never been so easy. SalesCart provides an easy and affordable E-commerce solution and, with the On-Line Order Retrieval System, allows businesses the easiest way possible to retrieve orders. The E-commerce industry has yet to see such a powerful yet affordable combination.
SalesCart is the "Plug-on" Internet web based Shopping cart system completely integrated and built into Microsoft® FrontPage®. SalesCart includes ready to use templates, wizards, a FrontPage component, and an on-line help system that allows anyone to add electronic commerce (E-commerce) to their Web site without having any programming knowledge. SalesCart PRO provides the next generation E-commerce Shopping Cart Solution for FrontPage™ and combines all the benefits of SalesCart with advanced features and customizability never before seen at such an affordable price.