Vol. 2, Number 2 SalesCart Newsletter - July 18, 2014
IN THIS ISSUE SalesCart™ Newsletter!

SalesCart™ PRO Now Supports Macromedia

ComCity® Corporation, creators of SalesCart, now makes E-commerce effortless for Macromedia Dreamweaver, UltraDev and Dreamweaver MX users. SalesCart’s ability to easily and completely integrate with Macromedia’s product line, offers Macromedia users an entirely "open-systems" architecture to design E-commerce sites.
SalesCart PRO combines over 7 years of ComCity Design-tool E-commerce experience with a feature set that makes it difficult to find a worthy competitor.
With this new version, SalesCart continues to lead the market with the largest platform audience for Design Tool E-commerce. SalesCart allows for:

* Multiple server platforms – UNIX, Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000
* Multiple database support – Microsoft Access, SQL, MySQL
* Multiple design tool support – Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver/UltraDev/MX

The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own E-commerce site.  To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.
SalesCart News

Newest Era in Design Tool E-commerce

ComCity, released SalesCart PRO for Macromedia. Utilizing SalesCart PRO’s extensible feature base and scalability, ComCity created a shopping cart perfect for Macromedia Dreamweaver/UltraDev/MX users.

…With the SalesCart extension, our millions of Dreamweaver developers will now be able to more easily deploy e-commerce functionality, said David Deming, Product Manager, Macromedia. Macromedia customers benefit from the ability to easily create e-commerce applications within the familiar Dreamweaver development environment.

Retail price: $399.99
For more information, please go on-line to http://www.salescart.com/dreamweaver.htm

SalesCart PRO for Macromedia Plugins Now Available:

SalesCart PRO for Macromedia supports two of SalesCart’s popular SalesCart Plugins: the Transaction Processing Plugin and the Product Management Plugin.

Special, Get Free Software!
Purchase SalesCart PRO for Macromedia along with one popular SalesCart Plugin and receive a second Plugin absolutely FREE (value of $60). Offer good through October 31st. This can be extended to current Plugins and the upcoming release for the Order Management Plugin for Macromedia.

The Transaction Processing Plugin allows merchants, who want realtime online credit card transactions, the capacity to choose from nine popular credit card bridges. Some merchants do not know which gateway they will need for realtime online credit card processing. For just $60, you get the bridge to all major gateways. For more information, please go on-line to http://www.salescart.com/products1/bridges.asp?prodid=52&pgid6=1

The Product Management Plugin offers an easy-to-use, browser-based interface for managing products and since it is client-side you do not need to use or purchase any other programs. With the product management plugin you can, 1) Enter products into a product database. 2) Update existing products in the database. 3) Perform inventory management. 4) Display products from the database based on the user's search queries. 5) Create template query results pages. Purchasing the Product Management Plugin for $60 gives you the ability to create a dynamic SalesCart Website with hundreds of thousands of products. For more information, please go on-line to: http://www.salescart.com/products1/plugin_detail.asp?ProdID=56

Coming soon the Order Management Plugin for SalesCart PRO for Macromedia.

PayPal Available NOW! 

SalesCart PRO now supports the popular payment gateway, PayPal both for FrontPage as well as Dreamweaver. Add PayPal processing capabilities to your Web site and diversify your payment options. PayPal offers instant availability to funds, offers international payments, has a convenient HTML interface for simple integration and is trusted by over 3 million businesses worldwide. SalesCart’s PayPal bridge allows you to connect a SalesCart site to PayPal to send the total and allow the customer to pay with a PayPal number directly on PayPal’s secure site.

Retail: $60.00

More details can be found on-line at http://www.salescart.com/products1/bridges.asp?prodid=52&pgid6=1

Free Update Plugin Release: Dynamic Includes

SalesCart’s Product Management Plugin now offers the ability to manage and display dynamic includes for product attributes such as size and color. Merchants can now have multiple attributes per product and display those attributes dynamically from the product database. This feature is now included in all new purchases of the Product Management Plugin.

Retail: $60.00

NOTE: This is a free upgrade for existing users. If you would like to update your older version, go http://www.salescart.com/scuserroom/welcome.htm, put in your serial number and enter the SalesCart user room. You will want to click on Plugins to download a new version of the Product Management Plugin.

E-Commerce Articles

E-commerce Wireless Internet Market Segment Growing!
Studies show that Internet users are no longer surfing from home. The Internet audience is growing as the wireless arena allows usage from even the most remote areas via cell phone or personal digital assistants (PDAs).

Source: Internetnews.com
Publication Date: 9/6/02
Title: Wireless Surfer Numbers Grow

2002 Holiday Season still expected to grow despite Economic pressures
Experts are predicting the 2002 Holiday season will explode beyond previous years with an increase of 27%. Also, it is noted the biggest shopping days will start December 2nd and run through December 21st.

Source: Internetnews.com
Publication Date: 8/29/02
Title: Holiday Forecasting Season Opens

  Hot Site


The perfect example of how a brilliant idea can become reality! WineThingies are the latest buzz for the wine lovers and party hostesses alike! These clever little charms not only distinguish your glass from others but will also add an elegant touch to any evening. With an easy navigation and product category hierarchy the user can find a particular product in matters of minutes. With the added flexibility of SalesCart PRO the webmaster for WineThingies.com created his own dynamic database and integrated it with SalesCart, allowing him to create custom product pages. The checkout pages are also customized to give it the same look and feel of the website while keeping it simple and user friendly. We like this website because it demonstrates that simplicity can be a good thing, and with the simplicity of the SalesCart checkout pages, customers can place their order in less then 5 minutes.

Software Cost :
SalesCart Standard $399.99
Total: $399.99

For previous winners go to http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /topsites/welcome.htm

  Tips and Tricks
    Title: Displaying the cart content on your web pages
    Design Tool: FrontPage, Dreamweaver
    Version: PRO
    SalesCart Knowledge Level (Scale 1-10): 5
    By default, SalesCart PRO provides an example page in the mall folder. On that same page the total content of the shopping cart along with the subtotal is displayed. See example below:
Often times most merchants will try to copy the box above to other pages but they soon find out that the feature will stop working. There are two simple steps that you will need to follow in order to get this feature working on your web pages.
  1. If you want to display the cart content on your web pages, you must make sure that the web page files are all saved in ASP format.
  2. You must make sure that you copy the ASP code that appears on top of ProductPage.asp
    • The code begins with:
      <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript.Encode" %>
    • It ends with:
      Set SimpleAdo = Nothing
      Set RS = Nothing
    • Make sure that the include files point to the correct relative paths. So if you are linking a page from the /mall folder to a file in the /cgi-bin the relative path would be:
      <!--#include file="../cgi-bin/codepage.asp"-->

      And if you are linking a page from  /mall/sub_folder to a file the /cgi-bin the relative path would be:
      <!--#include file="../../cgi-bin/codepage.asp"-->
  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time.  We look forward to your continued participation next year.  Until then. 

This document is Copyright-© 1995-2002 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart-PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart-SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and Products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed.

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Your name was originally added to our mailing list based on you asking for a demo of our software and your permission or asking to be added to our subscription list via our web site at http://www.salescart.com.  Privacy Notice:  ComCity and SalesCart does not Provide your name, address or any of the contents of our database to any other company, individual, Provider or service and Promises not to do so without your first consent.  To cancel your subscription to this newsletter, go to http://www.salescart.com/newsletter/newsletter.asp

THIS DOCUMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THIS PROGRAM ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information type should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of ComCity or SalesCart and ComCity cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document. This newsletter e-mail may be copied and distributed without further permission subject to the following conditions:

  1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included
  2. All copies must contain ComCity's copyright notice and any other notices Provided therein
  3. This document may not be distributed for Profit



Copyright © 1995-2011 SalesCart™. All Rights Reserved. Design And Hosted By ComCity® LLC.

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