Vol. 1, Number 4 SalesCart Newsletter - December 1, 2001
IN THIS ISSUE SalesCart™ Newsletter!


Last Chance to Get your business On-Line In Time For the Holidays
This year Santa will be shopping on-line for those special and unique gifts. Is your on-line store ready to capture some holiday sales? This is the last chance to get your Web site e-commerce savvy.  Welcome to the Holiday edition directed on helping you get on-line in time for the busiest holiday of the year.

"...Internet sales for the [Thanksgiving] weekend rose 26 percent from a year earlier, according to BizRate.com, which tracks 2,000 online stores.  Instead of getting in their cars and heading to the mall this past weekend, many shoppers booted up and logged on."

Source: Daily News
Publication date: 2001-11-27

The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own E-commerce site.  To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.

SalesCart News

The Newest Era In On-Line Order Retrieval - Coming Soon!
Just as SalesCart PRO takes shopping cart features to the highest level yet....the next version of the
On-Line Order Retrieval System will take shopping cart order management to its highest state.  The plug-in makes retrieving your orders as easy as opening up a browser. The plug-in allows you to also print out shipping labels, create receipts or purchase order numbers as well as pull up and print out orders.

Just look as these promising new features:

  • More Advanced Summary Reports
  • Allow customers to View Order Progress and Order fulfillment
  • Advanced Email Promotion Management
  • Advanced Affiliate Tracking
  • Track & Notify Customers of Fulfillment
  • Export Order Data to Other Systems including Accounting systems.

The new plug-in is expected to be out in December, so make sure you visit the www.salescart.com site in December to get an update on the features and a delivery date.

Holiday Special! Buy One Get One Free

Purchase a SalesCart plug-in along with your favorite SalesCart software and get a free plug-in of equal or less value. SalesCart plug-ins ease the management of your on-line store.  Just mention this special when you place your order.
Plug-ins Include:

1.       On-Line Real-Time Transaction Processing
       Order Management
       Dynamic Product Management
       Shipping Rates from the Top Shipping Providers

SalesCart-X comes with Complimentary Hosting
Purchase SalesCart-X and receive 6 months of complimentary hosting with ComCity. ComCity was the first hosting provider in Northern California to support FrontPage extensions and one of the first 20 in the world. ComCity introduced SalesCart to FrontPage users in 1997. So, you cannot find a better hosting solution for your SalesCart site.

Total E-Commerce Integration Service
Need an E-commerce site but you don't have time to create it and get it up and running before the holidays? Or maybe you want to initially have an expert design it and create it but you want to take it over later.  This is not unusual and can be a very cost-effective way to get your E-commerce site up and running as quickly as possible with a minimum of hassles. ComCity, our parent company provides this service at very cost competitive prices starting at only $275.  Learn more here: http://ecommerce.comcity.com

Online retail is projected to reach more than $74 billion in 2002
Are you planning on getting any of that?  A new study predicts that the recent economic downturn is not likely to affect online sales because those shoppers only make up 14% of Online sales.  Demographically speaking, Internet shoppers are less affected by the downturn.  Read more at:


Electronic Commerce Guide: How to Profit on the internet
According to an article written by Harvey Segal, "over 50 million people have access to the Internet and it is still in its infancy".  Every month sees millions of newcomers and thousands of businesses setting up online. Combine this huge, expanding audience with the fact that marketing and advertising can be done on the Internet at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods and you have a situation where the potential for online success is unlimited. Review the 7-step guide to ensure you will cash in on this growing boom at http://www.davidreilly.com/topics/electronic_commerce/articles/how_to_profit.html

E-Tailers Endure Dot-Com Downslide
Even if the gloomy economy keeps consumers locked indoors, they won't be deterred from shopping online, where increasingly savvy retailers expect to see sales soar 45 percent this year, a study released Wednesday by Shop.org and The Boston Consulting Group Inc. (BCG) said. Shop.org is an association of electronic retailers. Read more at http://www.idg.net/ic_527210_4914_1-2914.html


This SalesCart edition HotSite is Wind Dancers  


Appropriately named for what they sell, Wind Dancers specializes in Kites, Windsocks, Flags and related accessories. This store is the perfect e-commerce model for anyone to follow. A simple navigation that allows easy access to the different product categories in the site. Going through the product pages is easy and when ready to place an order the visitor will be able to do so with the power of SalesCart PRO version 1.0.  We like this Website because often times most E-commerce shops will be very hard to navigate through and that eventually will lead to a loss of sale. The "get to the point" interface results in more sales and with the power of SalesCart PRO that point is easier to make. For previous winners, go to http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /topsites/welcome.htm

  Tips and Tricks

The goal of this section is to offer clients tips and tricks to operate an efficient E-commerce site.

SalesCart has a new plug-in that eases the shipping configuration by 80%. Instead of worrying if you have the correct shipping rates or if you are loosing money on shipping, you can institute a new way of thinking by purchasing the Shipping Service plug-in. This new shipping plug-in allows you to download the most current shipping rates from the three top providers, including the USPS and FedEx. This plug-in provides you with the peace of mind that your shipping rates are accurate and up to date.  At the same time, offering your clients shipping options from the most popular providers. Read more about this plug-in at

SalesCart launched a new tool that allows SalesCart merchants to research their own issues via a sophisticated and searchable on-line knowledgebase.   This new, SalesCart Support Knowledgebase, is geared towards helping the merchant quickly gather information on a problem they are having allowing them to search for a word or phrase that describes their problem. The best part of this option is that it is available for as long as you need it. SalesCart Engineers are adding to this database on a weekly basis and hope to grow it by double fold within a month. This mechanism is great for merchants that work after business hours or on weekends. You will now have the ability to troubleshoot your own problems quickly and efficiently. Support is an area at ComCity that is vastly important. ComCity strives to provide the best support available on-line. We value our customers and want to make sure they have a positive SalesCart experience. You can check out this new support mechanism on-line at http://support.salescart.com.

  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time.  We look forward to your continued participation next year.  Until then. 


Have A Happy New Year!

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