Vol. 1, Number 3 SalesCart Newsletter - October 5, 2001
IN THIS ISSUE SalesCart™ Newsletter!


Welcome to this edition covering solutions to better your E-commerce knowledge base.  It is never too late to learn new E-commerce tips and solutions to advance your E-commerce site and better manage your entire E-commerce solution from the catalog to the order processing or fulfillment system.

With Sympathy...
ComCity expresses its heartfelt concern for all individuals who have been affected by the terrible tragedy of 911 in New York, Washington
D.C. and Pennsylvania.

The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own E-commerce site.  To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.

SalesCart News
Real-time/Instant SHIPPING RATES

SalesCart is one of the first shopping carts to offer shipping via the United States Postal Service Real Time shipping rate calculator service.

Now, let your customers choose from instant or real-time shipping rate quotes from the world's most popular freight shipping companies including rates from Federal Express Corporation, United States Postal Service, and United Parcel Service Corporation. The Shipping Plug-in service is a FREE service for all SalesCart PRO 3.0 customers.  For all others, this plug-in sells for $60/year (yearly updates to the rate tables are provided with the service) and can be ordered through the SalesCart Sales Department. 

To purchase, go to http://www.salescart.com/products/salescart_STD_plugins.asp#Shipping%20Plug-in%20Service 

E-Commerce Now!
Host with ComCity and take advantage of excellent free E-commerce options like:

  1. FREE initial 30 days of SalesCart Now! Trial Hosting while you Trial the software.
  2. FREE unlimited SalesCart technical support.
  3. FREE Live Stats (value of $10/mo.).  
  4. FREE E-mail panel to manage your email accounts.
  5. And, even a second Free month of hosting if you purchase 5 more months upfront.

Learn how by emailing or contacting ComCity sales at: contact us here or call toll free at 888-826-6248.
Special Limited Time Offer. This offer is good through November 30, 2001.

SalesCart prides itself on offering existing customers many FREE updates to their software even after their purchase.  In fact, SalesCart 1.0 users received nearly 2 years of free upgrades to the product and received a sizeable discount on the next major release.  Continuing on with that tradition, we announce the latest free updates: 

  • FREE SalesCart X 1.2 update is released and is a free update to all current SalesCart-X owners.
  • FREE SalesCart Lite/Std 2.6 update is released and continues to be a free update to all current SalesCart Lite/Std 2.0 owners. 
  • FREE SalesCart PRO 3.5 update is released and continues to be a free update to all current SalesCart PRO 3.0 owners.

The new software updates contain all known bug fixes, removes the personal web server requirement, adds the SalesCart Toolbar.  Additionally, the SalesCart PRO 3.5 update also provides the new shipping plug-in for free. 

To obtain your free copy, go the SalesCart Userroom at http://www.salescart.com/scuserroom. Use your existing license, username and password. If you have forgotten your license/serial# or password, visit the password remainder page at http://www.salescart.com/scuserroom/SC_PasswordReminder.asp to retrieve this information to your email address.

On-Line Shopping On-track During Gloomy Economy
We believe the current economic conditions will have a lesser effect on online shopping than on traditional shopping.

Even if the gloomy economy keeps consumers locked indoors, they won't be deterred from shopping online, where increasingly savvy retailers expect to see sales soar 45 percent this year, a study released Wednesday by Shop.org and The Boston Consulting Group Inc. (BCG) said. Shop.org is an association of electronic retailers.  What safer way to shop than from the comfort of your home on your personal computer.  Learn more here: http://www.idg.net/ic_527210_4914_1-2914.html 

Language Matters to Consumers
According to Steve McClure, an Analyst for IDC, there is a commonly held, naïve business assumption that English is the language for international commerce, and that providing documentation, websites, and other types of content in English is sufficient to participate in today's global economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. IDC believes that not only is the global economy a multilingual economy, but that a company that implements a well-designed localization strategy can tap a significantly larger potential market for its products and services.   Learn more at: http://www.idg.net/crd_idgsearch_669898.html?sc= 

New Searchable Shopping Mall!
Submit Your SalesCart Site for Free and Receive Additional Traffic at http://www.expression-ecommerce.com . This new SalesCart site offers a searchable Mall of SalesCart Shops and Storefronts.

Total E-Commerce Integration Service
Need an E-commerce site but you don't have time to create it and get it up and running before the holidays? Or maybe you want to initially have an expert design it and create it but you want to take it over later.  This is not unusual and can be a very cost-effective way to get your E-commerce site up and running as quickly as possible with a minimum of hassles. ComCity, our parent company provides this service at very cost competitive prices starting at only $275.  Learn more here: http://ecommerce.comcity.com.

Renovated ComCity Site Designed
ComCity, the creator's of SalesCart, has redesigned their company site. The new design offers a better organized site that presents information that is easier to access and navigate through. We hope you like it and welcome any thoughts or comments you may have. Visit our site at http://www.ComCity.com.  

    This SalesCart edition HotSite is Warren Botanicals 

In the mood for Aromatherapy?  Visit Warren Botanicals!
Flower power is all around you and with the vast knowledge of Warren Botanicals you can achieve the ultimate comfort in your body. When you are ready to place an order you will be greeted with the very friendly SalesCart PRO interface, where you'll be able to place your order right from the comfort of your house. Warren Botanicals is a good site with a very easy navigation structure and with the power of SalesCart the Web site becomes even more powerful to use!

See the site at http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /topsites/welcome.htm.

  Tips and Tricks

The goal of this section is to offer clients tips and tricks to operate an efficient E-commerce site.

This month we will focus on order and product management. Order management is probably the most important portion of your site, and often not utilized to its fullest. SalesCart, out of the box, offers a Microsoft Access database that houses and collects all orders placed on a SalesCart site through the Link-Wise™ check out system. The orders database is connected to the merchant's web site and is owned and operated by the merchant. SalesCart offers a plug-in called the On-Line Order Retrieval System that takes your order management to the next necessary step -- on-line management through a browser interface. The plug-in makes retrieving your orders as easy as opening up a browser. The plug-in allows you to also print out shipping labels, create receipts or purchase order numbers as well as pull up and print out orders. More information on the On-Line Order Retrieval System can be found at: http://www.salescart.com/products/online.asp

Product management is also important to both the merchant and the consumer. The merchant should be able to add products easily and in the most time appreciative method, through a browser interface. The consumer should be able to easily search for products and navigate through the product catalog. The Product Management System is a plug-in that helps you create a product database that will provides you with a solution both merchants and consumers need. Through a browser interface, the merchant can add products in real-time to the Microsoft Access products database. The plug-in helps the merchant set up the product searches and search result pages. The merchant can then offer consumers an efficient way to search and navigate through product pages. A win - win situation! To learn more about the Product Management System, listed as the Dynamic Database plug-in, you can go to: http://www.salescart.com/products/dynamic_db.asp

  That's it for this edition.

We look forward to telling you about the newest things next time..

This document is Copyright-© 2001 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart-PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart-SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed.

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Your name was originally added to our mailing list based on you asking for a demo of our software and your permission or asking to be added to our subscription list via our web site at http://www.salescart.com.  Privacy Notice:  ComCity and SalesCart does not provide your name, address or any of the contents of our database to any other company, individual, provider or service and promises not to do so without your first consent.  To cancel your subscription to this newsletter, go to http://www.salescart.com/newsletter/newsletter.asp

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