Volume 4, Number 1
July 2004    

In This Issue

New SalesCart Technology
SalesCart Special
SalesCart NET is here!
Ezic now supported for PRO and SQL, Dreamweaver
Bank of America now supported for SalesCart-X, Dreamweaver
E-Commerce News:
Online Business / Hosting
E-Commerce News:
4 Elements of a Successful, Profitable Website
E-Commerce News:
31 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Business Web Site
Hot Site-
Tips and Tricks

New SalesCart Technology!!!

SalesCart NET is here! SalesCart now supports Microsoft’s .NET technology, providing our newest SalesCart product line.  SalesCart supports more application server scripting platforms on more website design tools than any other shopping cart vendor on the market today!  Update your SalesCart site and introduce advanced .NET functionality for unparallel SalesCart customization and feature management. SalesCart NET has all the SalesCart features and tools plus some additional advancements in security, email receipts, checkout capabilities and a product’s comment toggle. Upgrade today, using the new .NET upgrade engine.

“ComCity could have jumped on the .NET bandwagon immediately as some shopping cart companies did.  Those companies are still revamping from the chaos resulting from that decision.  We chose not to, so that we could be sure our product and the .NET technology would stabilize and until hosting companies were up to speed supporting .NET web hosting. But the wait is over, and, we are proud to release SalesCart NET.” 

The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own ecommerce site. To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.

SalesCart Special

Our SalesCart online training classes give you the knowledge necessary to get your SalesCart site up quickly. The training includes a structured but self-paced course and a certificate of completion.

Course Topics

  • Building and Testing your SalesCart web.

  • Adding and Configuring Product Links.

  • Configuring Server and SSL Security Concerns.

  • Configuring Shipping and Taxes.

  • Introduction to SalesCart plugins: Product Management plugin, Order Management, Transaction Processing.

  • Advanced Customization.

Offer expires on July 31, 2004 and requires the purchase of a base version of the software at the same time.  This offer cannot be used in combination with other special offers and is not available in combination with our new SalesCart NET product.

To take advantage of the special, click here.

Product Announcement
SalesCart NET is here!

ComCity, creators of SalesCart, the popular multi-platform design tool ecommerce solution, introduces SalesCart NET. SalesCart NET provides SalesCart merchants and developers a whole new SalesCart product line with advanced .NET functionality. SalesCart NET provides an upgrade engine to easily upgrade your existing SalesCart site. SalesCart NET also includes:

  • Increased Security
  • Use of Microsoft® Access or SQL, depending upon your site needs.
  • Build multiple sites from one install.
  • Includes the features from every SalesCart version.
  • New LinkWise Checkout Pages.
  • Cascading Style Sheet Oriented Checkout Pages.
  • Upgrade engine.
  • Products comment toggle.
  • Expanded SMTP services compatibility support.
  • 30 day money back guarantee.
  • HTML formatted email receipts.
  • Includes all the SalesCart tools: browser based order management, browser based product management, transaction processing options and shipping quotes from the popular carriers.

SalesCart NET, the perfect solution for developers managing multi sites utilizing different features, databases and needing full customizability. Order SalesCart NET today! The possibilities are endless.

Software Cost: $799.99

Order SalesCart NET today!

SalesCart NET The Possibilities are Endless

Note: ComCity still offers support for ASP (Active Server Pages) with SalesCart Standard, PRO and SQL. And, continues to support PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) with SalesCart-X. These products will continue to grow as the market demands.

Click HERE to Learn More about SalesCart NET today!

SalesCart Plugin Announcements

EZIC now supported for PRO and SQL - Dreamweaver
SalesCart PRO and SQL, on the Dreamweaver platform, now support Ezic for real-time credit card processing. EZIC offers a high performance, second generation gateway technology that enables merchants to accept credit cards and electronic checks online. EZIC's core advantage lies in its advanced technology, which enables timely, market-driven solutions for competitive merchant aggregators to build their businesses.

Plugin Cost: $60.00

Order the Ezic Plugin for SQL today

Order the Ezic Plugin for PRO today

Bank of America now supported for SalesCart-X – Dreamweaver
Salescart-X, on the Dreamweaver platform, now supports the capabilities of doing real-time credit card processing through Bank of America. Bank of America is a leader in innovative payment processing online. With the assurance of a branch in your area, localize your merchant services, and use Bank of America to accept credit cards, echecks, gift cards, debit cards and purchasing cards.

Plugin Cost: $99.99

Order the Bank of America plugin today

E-Commerce News
  Online Business / Hosting
Online business can be easy and profitable. But don't let the ease of doing business lull you into complacency. There are people out to steal from you, hiding behind the anonymous, arms-length nature of the Internet. This article identifies the common characteristics of fraudulent orders, and directs you to more resources that can help protect your online business.
[Read More]

Source: About.com

4 Elements of a Successful, Profitable Website
I heard the frustration in the voice on the other end of my phone. “My web site costs me money each month, and yet I don’t make any money from it. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal to have a web site anyway." [Read More]

Source: About.com

31 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Business Web Site
In 1998, promoting your business web site was a very easy process. You placed 3 lines of code called "meta tags" on the top of your home page and submitted the page to free search engines or directories. Fast forward to the present. [Read More]

Source: About.com


Hot Sites:


Website Url: http://www.hotscooterdeals.com


Company Name: Hot Scooter Deals
Customer Testimonial:
Eric Schmitz from Hot Scooter Deals says, "I must say that SalesCart shopping systems are the best! The scooter store now is more streamline and efficient than ever! Great job you guys!"

What we have to say about this website:
Hot Scooter Deals is a very fun website to visit. The navigation buttons are nicely done and easy to follow. Instead of using standard buttons, they decided to use images that makes it easy for the customer to navigate through their web site. They make use of the include files by allowing customers some customizable options for their new scooter. This web site implements security from the moment the customer enters the shopping area.

SalesCart Version Used: PRO
Software Cost: $399.99



Website Url: http://www.usablindsdirect.com



Company Name: USA Blinds Direct
Customer Testimonial:
Gary Eskelson from USA Blinds Direct says, "Our E-commerce business is new and our site went online the first of this year-2004. The shopping cart is a core component to an E-commerce site. It contains the product database; the email communication to vendor and customer, and the credit card processing. In planning our E-commerce site we knew that sku numbers alone could not define our products. We were looking for more flexibility without having to build the shopping cart from scratch ourselves. SalesCart was a good fit and their excellent support staff were team players in our success. Since SalesCart is a plug-in to Dreamweaver, the Web Designer was able to work on the product pages independently. Very little programming or database design knowledge was required for that phase of the project. Another benefit of SalesCart is that we feel we are not exposed to risks of changes in software management (as may be the case with other software products) because the shopping cart is resident on our site. The price of SalesCart was easily offset by the reduced development labor."

What we have to say about this website:
USA Blinds Direct has been designed beautifully. The color scheme is pleasing to the eyes and makes you feel relaxed while shopping. USA Blinds Direct uses unique custom buttons and product links that gives a nice feel to their web site. USA Blinds Direct really gives the customer the ability to customize the product they are buying. This is very unique feature for a web site in that not a lot of websites would give this much customization options.

SalesCart Version Used: PRO
Software Cost: $399.99




Tips and Tricks

Title: Display Shipping Service in Email
Design Tool: FrontPage & Dreamweaver
Version: Standard, PRO and SQL
SalesCart Knowledge Level (Scale 1-10):

You notice the emails sent to the merchant and the customer do not indicate the shipping service chosen. [Read More]

Managing your subscription

Privacy Notice: ComCity and SalesCart does not provide your name, address or any of the contents of our database to any other company, individual, provider or service and promises not to do so without your first consent.

With your permission, your name was added to our database by requesting a demo copy of our software or your direct request to be added to our newsletter subscription list via our website at http://www.salescart.com.

To cancel your subscription to this newsletter, go to http://www.salescart.com/newsletter/newsletter.asp
We guarantee that we will not use your action to confirm the validity of an e-mail address or give your e-mail address to anyone else.

Copyright-© 1995-2004 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and Products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND including typographical errors. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document.