Volume 3, Number 6
September 2003    

In This Issue

SalesCart Online Training
Product Announcements: 
Introduction to SalesCart-new Course
VeriSign PayFlow Link for SalesCart-X
E-Commerce News: Back To School
E-Commerce Market Growth: Facts and Figures
Hot sites: FrontPage
Hot sites: Dreamweaver
Tips and Tricks
Managing your subscription

Time to go Back to School

Introducing training.salescart.com!

SalesCart has now become one of the first design tool ecommerce software solutions to provide online self-paced training courses.  And, for a limited time, the first course is being given at a very special low introductory price.  Learn how easy it is to use.


Also in this issue, tax rebates mean more money for back to school purchases.  Are you targeting your ecommerce website for these dollars?  See what people are spending their money on during this time of tax rebates.

Welcome to the SalesCart Newsletter.  The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own ecommerce site. To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.
SalesCart Online Training Institute

Introducing The SalesCart Online Training Institute

ComCity introduces http://www.salescart.com, the first online training website for design tool ecommerce shopping cart software.  The SalesCart Online Training Institute sets a new standard and a model for shopping cart education services.  Now, anyone can economically learn the ins and outs of ecommerce software or become an expert using the SalesCart shopping cart software.

Taking our new Introduction to SalesCart course and begin creating an online business from the ground up.  Going back to school has never been easier.  Our new self-paced online courses give you the power to understand shopping cart theory and get your business online quickly without leaving the comforts of your home.  You'll be surprised how easy it is to become an expert for less than $100.

  • Log-on securely into your training class.

  • Create a student who will take the class.

  • Once complete, you'll receive your very own certificate of completion.  

  • 10 self-paced lessons.  Each lesson guides you through the content with multi-media flash-based demos.

  • 10 quizzes, 1 final exam. Quizzes are given at the end of each lesson, with a final at the end of the course.

  • Lessons allow you the flexibility to start and stop at anytime and your session and placement in the class is saved.

  • Real-life application of the software.

  • Demos guide you through customizations of the software.

  • Take up to 3 months to complete the course and/or review the material once completed.

Whether you are a small business owner setting up your first online store, or a web developer who needs to add a shopping cart to a client's site, being efficient with your time is essential.  SalesCart Online Training gives you the necessary skills to be successful in your SalesCart e-commerce solution.

If you are interested in utilizing the SalesCart software to its fullest potential and learning how to do it right, then this is the right choice for you.

SalesCart also offers the SmartStart program for those who wish to have customized, personalized training directly on their website.

Product Announcement
Introduction to SalesCart Course  Now Released!

For novice users who have never used SalesCart before and have limited exposure to shopping carts.  This self-paced online course covers a brief introduction to all major SalesCart platforms.    

The course covers; installation of SalesCart, understanding shopping cart software,  adding and configuring products, configuring the server and SSL security layer, configuring shipping and taxes and much more. See the complete syllabus.

Introduction to SalesCart
Price: $
99.00  (Special Offer - Take 25% off the course when combined with a SalesCart Purchase)

Purchase Now!

VeriSign Payflow Link for SalesCart-X  Now Released!

SalesCart-X has one more payment option to add to its collection.  The number of payment options now available for this PHP/mySQL application server model continues to grow.

SalesCart-X is one of the few design tool ecommerce solutions built for the php/Linux environment.  Click here to learn more about SalesCart-X.

VeriSign is one of the largest Internet companies in the world, and after purchasing the CyberCash and Signio customer bases, they have one of the largest transaction processing gateways.  Now, SalesCart-X customers can use the less expensive PayFlow Link payment gateway for their transactions.

SalesCart-X Payflow Transaction Bridge
Price: $60.00

Purchase Now!

E-Commerce News

Tax Rebate Equals Online Shopping for Back To School

As the back-to-school shopping season begins, tax rebates will help parents ease the extra expense and stress of purchasing their children's school clothing and supplies. A recent survey by CoolSavings, Inc., a leading online direct marketing and media company, finds that 23% of parents will save...
 [Read More]

Source: www.about.com

E-Commerce Market Growth Facts and Figures

1) In 2003, US eCommerce will reach nearly $96 billion -- about the size of The Home Depot and J. C. Penney combined. By 2008, US eCommerce will reach nearly $230 billion -- about the size of Wal-Mart today. If you thought Wal-Mart grew quickly, it took the Bentonville gang 40 years to break $230 billion; US eCommerce will break that barrier within a baker's dozen years from the year Amazon.com logged its first 100-order day, 1995. With growth that fast, who can deny the notion of Internet time anymore?
Source:  Forrester.com 


US Online Retail Sales, 2003 To 2008 2) More than 10% of all US retail sales will happen online by 2008. (Even Jeff Bezos agrees!) In four categories -- computer hardware and software, tickets, books, and travel -- online sales already account for more than 10% of all sales; and toys, video games, and consumer electronics are close behind. Even apparel -- which many thought would not sell online -- is growing quickly and will see at least 4% of all sales online before year-end. By 2008, 11 categories will see 10% or more of total sales from the Web.
Source:  Forrester.com



Macromedia Dreamweaver

Tiger MT Tea

Customer Testimonial:  Coming Soon!

Our Testimonial: 
A very nice website. The calming colors and classic left navigation gently guide the customer through their tea purchase. Both tea products and accessories are nicely described.  In addition, Tiger MT Tea has customized the checkout pages giving them a nice "tea" appearance which we always like to see.  The site is simple, elegant and functional --- getting the customer to the product.  A nice feature is the cart contents shown at the lower left hand corner, allowing customers a real-time view of their cart.

Read More

Software Cost:
SalesCart-PRO for Macromedia Dreamweaver $399.99
Total: $399.99

To view previous winners go to

Dreamweaver-Ecommerce.com:  Please submit your website Now
and get in front of
nearly 30,000 subscribed viewers

Microsoft FrontPage

Drafting Equipment Warehouse

Client Testimonial: 
SalesCart was the perfect solution for our shopping cart needs. We originally purchased a different shopping cart program (StoreFront 6.0) and spent around $1000.00. After 2 months of server problems and countless errors we returned the software and began the search for a new shopping cart program. I found SalesCart on the Internet and saw that it had many features we were looking for... Read More

Software Cost:
SalesCart-X for Microsoft FrontPage $399.99
Total: $399.99

To view previous winners go to
http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /hotsites/

expression-ecommerce.com :  Please submit your website Now
and get in front of nearly 30,000 subscribed viewers




Tips and Tricks

How to Customize an Empty Cart message

Design Tool: FrontPage, Dreamweaver
SalesCart Knowledge Level (Scale 1-10): 3

If a customer goes directly to the checkout page and has no items in the cart, the message he receives is simply stated "Your Shopping Cart is Empty!".  You may ask yourself, "Is that it?"  Why did the SalesCart engineers make this message so simple?  The answer to that is because we figured this is a page you really should be inclined to customize so that you could not only tell customers that their cart is empty but you could simultaneously and quickly tell them where to go in your "design" to fill that cart up.  Making a custom error page for this is as a simple as creating any other html web page.  Let us show you how in the following Tips and Tricks Knowledge base article!

Click here to learn more about the article!

Managing your subscription

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With your permission, your name was added to our database by requesting a demo copy of our software or your direct request to be added to our newsletter subscription list via our website at http://www.salescart.com.

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Copyright-© 2003 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and Products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND including typographical errors. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document.