Volume 3, Number 5
August 2003    

In This Issue

Introduction to SalesCart SQL Product
Product Announcements:  Order Management Plug-in for SalesCart-X
E-Commerce News: Consumer Trends
Hot sites: FrontPage
Tips and Tricks
Managing your subscription


Does Enterprise-level Ecommerce have to be Expensive?

It use to be that if you had hundreds of products or thousands of online shoppers, an online shopping cart could cost you over $1000 when everything was said and done.  Not any more!  SalesCart SQL is 100% complete, multiple real-time processors, browser based order and product management and real-time shipping....all on the robust Microsoft SQL architecture and all for less than $800.  See our Introduction to SalesCart SQL below for more information.

Also in this issue: Product announcements and the latest Consumer Trends researched and reported by Forrester Research.


The purpose of this newsletter is to help people get through the trials and tribulations of creating their own ecommerce site. To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, see the bottom of this newsletter.

Introduction to SalesCart SQL

Databases are essential to online stores. However, enterprise-level database products can get costly.

Our SalesCart SQL 5.0 gives you every piece of software needed to run your e-commerce website.  Using either Macromedia’s Dreamweaver or Microsoft’s FrontPage web design tools, you can create your store and utilize the robust Microsoft SQL database at an economical price.

Why should you use the SalesCart SQL Product 

  • Server level enterprise security.
  • If your product catalog exceeds 500 items.
  • If you have a great deal of traffic an anticipate having over 30 simultaneous users  placing orders or searching through your product database.
  • If you believe that you will quickly out grow your Microsoft Access database.
  • If you are considering purchasing our SalesCart PRO as well as  multiple plug-ins, it may be less expensive.

SalesCart SQL Features

  • Browser-based Order Management
  • Browser-based Product Management
  • Real-time shipping for 2003 plus over 7 other ways to ship
  • Real-time transaction processing with all major gateways
  • 60 day Priority-based Support (7 days a week)
  • QuickBooks integration
  • Microsoft SQL back-end order database support
  • Auction, market based pricing or fixed pricing models built-in
  • Wish-list and Return Reorder
  • Unlimited product options
  • Automatic security that monitors for malicious product price changes

Please go here, if you want to learn more about our SalesCart SQL product.

  Product Announcement

Order Management Plug-in for

All the same innovative features now available on
The advanced edition of the Order Management Tool provides SalesCart-X with an
easy-to-use online Web interface to retrieve and
manage your SalesCart Orders.

Merchants can:

  • Retrieve orders directly online by order number, by date or
    order range via web browser.

  • Print orders/invoices or create label via web browser.

  • Configure sales tax.

  • Configure shipping options including order fulfillment.

  • Order fulfillment:  Send notices to customers letting them know
    when their order shipped.

  • Customer control panel:  Let customers log in and review their
    orders themselves - saves time and money for you.

Using the SSL certificate attributed to the domain, the entire
Order Management can be accessed and maintained securely
via a password protected https, SSL connection.

Order Management Plug-in for SalesCart-X
Price: $60.00

  E-Commerce News

Consumer Trends

Forrester Research, the leader in analyzing trends in technology and the impacts of business, have surveyed more than 1 million consumers since 1998.  This wealth of data have given them an insight on how consumers utilize the web. 

As a Featured Research (July 2003), Forrester speculates that the growth in the next 5 years to be 10% of US retail sales.   [Read More]

Source: www.forrester.com



Online Sales Continue Their Acceleration, Up 40% For Week-ending July 27

Online retail spending continued its re-ignited growth at the end of July, with online sales growing 40% to $947 million for the week ending July 27 from $674 million for the corresponding week a year ago, comScore Networks Inc.’s Media Metrix division reports. The 40% growth represents a steady re-acceleration of growth since the start of the second half. In the first half, retail sales totaled $22.7 billion, up 15% from the first half of 2002, comScore reports. Throughout July, weekly sales growth never fell below 25%.   [Read More]

Source: www.internetretailer.com




Drafting Equipment Warehouse

Client Testimonial: 
SalesCart was the perfect solution for our shopping cart needs. We originally purchased a different shopping cart program (StoreFront 6.0) and spent around $1000.00. After 2 months of server problems and countless errors we returned the software and began the search for a new shopping cart program. I found SalesCart on the Internet and saw that it had many features we were looking for... Read More

Software Cost:
SalesCart-X for Microsoft FrontPage $399.99
Total: $399.99

To view previous winners go to
http://www.expression-ecommerce.com /hotsites/archive.asp



  Tips and Tricks
  Title: How to use one SQL Server database to store sales from multiple stores
Design Tool: FrontPage, Dreamweaver
Version: SQL
SalesCart Knowledge Level (Scale 1-10): 2

Click here to learn more about the article!

  Managing your subscription

Privacy Notice: ComCity and SalesCart does not provide your name, address or any of the contents of our database to any other company, individual, provider or service and promises not to do so without your first consent.

With your permission, your name was added to our database by requesting a demo copy of our software or your direct request to be added to our newsletter subscription list via our website at http://www.salescart.com.

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We guarantee that we will not use your action to confirm the validity of an e-mail address or give your e-mail address to anyone else.

Copyright-© 2003 by ComCity® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SalesCart™, SalesCart PRO, SalesCart-X, SalesCart SQL, Sales-Cart, Sales Cart are either registered trademarks or trademarks (™) of ComCity in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and Products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners even if their trademark or registered trademark is not accurately portrayed. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND including typographical errors. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document.