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Special Limited Time Offer

Get SalesCart STD Absolutely and Completely 100% for FREE!
Or, Apply the $249.99 to any other SalesCart Product.
See Below for Qualifying Details

How would you like to get SalesCart STD absolutely FREE?

Well, Here's the Catch...

Program Requirements

  1. First, the Web Hosting Provider that you currently or will eventually host your SalesCart web site cannot be listed as an existing partner on the SalesCart Partner Page.  Sorry, if they are already currently on this list, you cannot qualify, but you can rest assured that you will not have any problems running SalesCart on your server.
    Check this page first to make sure.

  2. Your Web Hosting Provider must have at least the equivalent of 768 or more customers as measured by the occupation of at least 3 total Class-C network address ranges.  We will verify this based on the number of Class-C network address ranges you ISP controls according to ERIN.

  3. Your Web Hosting Provider must apply for and become an approved SalesCart Web Hosting Provider and Partner according to the normal requirementsPlease email these to your Web Hosting Provider so they can review them.

  4. This offer is limited to the first entry we receive for each Web Hosting Provider and a refund for $149.99 only occurs after the Web Hosting Provider has satisfied all requirements of the Partner program.  If we receive two entries from different customers for the same Web Hosting Provider and the provider eventually passes all requirements and becomes a certified SalesCart Partner, the first entry will receive the $149.99 offer.  The second purchaser may qualify for additional discounts from the Web Hosting Provider but is not eligible for this offer.

  5. The Web Hosting Provider must remain a partner for at least 30 days.

  6. You must purchase the applicable SalesCart product first.  We will return the $149.99 in the form of a rebate after your Web Hosting Provider has been an approved partner for at least 30 days.

  7. You will have to actively and diligently pester your Web Hosting Provider to get certified for the good of both of you -- they will eventually thank you and then you can get a free month of hosting or something out of them.

  8. This offer cannot be used in combination with any other offer or any other discount.

  9. This offer ends on 12/31/01, unless extended, however, we will honor any applications received before that date where the process of certification is the reason for delay. 




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