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SalesCart PRO Features
(partial list only)¹


All the basic features of SalesCart STD SalesCart-SQL comes with all the basic features in SalesCart STD plus these additional features:
¹Many...many more features than we can list here. SalesCart PRO has over 60 new additional features.  So many in fact, its impossible to list them all here.  Contact contact us here for an up-to-date list of features.
Auctions Create a price auction for a product on your Web site with the click of your mouse.
Unlimited Product Options and Price Changes. Product options for attributes such as size and color can be customized with any kind of form control including drop-down boxes, check boxes or radio button.  Create an unlimited number of product options and perform price changes if certain items are selected.  Create an unlimited number of product options, give them an unlimited number of price changes, customize the display of these options in an unlimited manner, and change the display of these product options for every single but unlimited number of products.
Customer Return/Reorder Allow your customers to place an unlimited number of temporary orders to be completed later.  Or, allow your customer to return to reorder all or part of any previous order started or completed.
Coupon Discounting Compute customer discounts based on coupon #'s more ways than other shopping carts offering this feature.  Provide for both coupon discounting on a product-by-product basis as well as the whole order.
Real-time Currency Calculations Offer real-time calculations of currency in your customers "home-currency" if desired.
Real-time Sales chat Offer real-time sales chat on your shopping cart if desired.
Payload Delivery Deliver your product immediately after each purchase.  Excellent for delivering Internet-ready products.  Once the shopper reaches their receipt, they can immediately link to and obtain your product. 
3-Tier Taxation for International Support and complete International support Create up to 3 tiers of taxation.  Handle and define the names for State/Province Taxes, country/county Taxes, or even luxury taxation on individual products.  With the click of a button, change the format of currency to the country of your choice.  With the click of a button, add currency conversion support via the OANDA currency converter.
Disable and remove Shipping, Payment, and/or Taxation from the Checkout process with the click of a single button  Do you have a service? -- click a button and totally remove shipping from the checkout.  Do you have a free product or service? -- click a button and totally remove billing and payment from the checkout.  Do you have a wholesale business which does not require taxation -- click a button and totally remove taxation from the checkout. 
Comprehensive shipping modes With the click of a button, choose from and even mix seven (7) different (soon to be 9) shipping modes including:  Free Shipping-based; Weight-based, Volume-based, Quantity-based, Value-based, Product-based, Whole Order-based including Real-Time UPS built-in.  Real-time USPS coming soon!
Email-A-Friend  Allow your customers to email information about your products to their friends.  This feature uses Active Server Pages instead of JavaScript, and unlike other shopping carts, it is supported on all Browsers. 

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