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SalesCart-STD Features


Whole Order Discounting This applies a discount to any whole order based upon the total purchase going over a certain threshold value. It can be applied in addition to single item discounting.
Apply Taxes to the whole order Allows you to apply sales tax to the whole order for one or multiple states or countries. Counties may be substituted for countries.
Design your own "quantity" graphic or "add-to-cart" button graphic. Allows you to design any kind of graphic to prompt the user for the quantity of items to be ordered and the button to add the item to the cart.
Apply Taxes to a single item Allows you to apply sales tax to a single item or multiple items without applying sales tax to the whole order.
Customer email receipt Allows you the option to decide whether or not you wish to send an email to your customer, by proposing alternatively provided receipt pages.
Determine whether customer will checkout after placing an order or continue shopping Allows you to determine whether you wish customers to automatically go into the process of checking out when an item is placed in the cart, or to continue shopping.
100% compatible with built in ASP Database Region wizard provided with FrontPage 100% compatible with the ASP database Region Wizard provided by FrontPage, so you can easily mix or match static product pages with dynamically generated product pages.
Built-in Check-Luhn routine Has a built-in check-Luhn routine which mathematically verifies that the credit card number entered in the payment page is "mathmatically" valid. This speeds the checkout process and reduces fraud, especially on manually processed ordering.
Web Wizard eases cart building process In addition to the built-in FrontPage template, SalesCart comes with an automatic Web wizard which automatically configures your shopping cart system for your particular circumstances.
Provides Default Localization Can be used in any country, and provides default localization. You can operate in whatever currency values you determine are applicable in your country. You designate the currency values using the Control Panel of the machine running the shopping cart.
Previous shoppers can retrieve previous order information Repeat customers can retrieve their previous order information, making checkout faster and easier for repeat buyers.
Session Object Storage Allows all global parameters that define the shopping cart to be located in a single location and file.
Entirely built on Active Server Pages (ASP) Provides a more robust and more secure architecture.
Customer information gathering on a product-by-product basis You can gather specific additional customer information on a product-by-product basis during checkout. Great for gifts where information such as engraving detail is needed.
Customizable E-mail header Allows you to configure and customize the particular email the customer will see upon order confirmation.
Affiliate/Multiple Merchant Tracking Allows you to track purchases against affiliates and multiple merchants to your shopping cart on an order-by-order basis. Custom affiliates summary report written in Access included.
Improved Link-Wise™ Checkout System
Allows you to more easily separate, replace or modify different pieces of the checkout process like links in a chain. This gives you virtually limitless customizability, even during the checkout phase of the order. See the instructions for removing shipping or payment information.
Customer Item Notes Let your customer specify last minute notes to you on an item-by-item basis.




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